Rob has had a wide range of careers, each drastically different from the last. For a large portion of his life he was an ink mixer at Toyo Ink. At first he he enjoyed it but that didn't last very long. The days grew longer and the work became more monotonous. He knew he wanted out but had to stay in order to support his wife and two children. After speaking with his wife he knew he had to change his career, not only for his own personal health but his families. It was here that he went back into his roots of physical fitness. In order to continue supporting his family he took night classes to acquire the certificates necessary to become a personal trainer. Once acquired he began training people at established gyms. He then shifted his career again and opened his own personal training gym. Two years later he has a thriving and respected personal training center. People from all walks of life come to Rob because they know he is the best at what he does. So much so that he even has to turn down potential clients he feels do not meet his standards. Since the day he opened his gym he hasn't stopped adapting and perfecting himself to be the best he could be. In his most recent months, he has began to shift his business again. This time, focusing on hiring employees and creating an identifiable brand where he could create multiple locations.

Like most people for a majority of his upbringing Ryan had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He never let this bear to much weight on him. He always felt it would come to him if he chose what made him happy and followed his interests. As a teen his interests were all over the place. One day he wanted to be a businessman and the next he wanted to be a scuba instructor. After the hundreds of influences from around him he enrolled in Oregon State University as an environmental Science and Cultural Anthropology major. About two years in he knew it wasn't for him. The only thing in his life that was constant was his love of nature, travel and culture. So he obtained a certificate and became a mountaineer trail guide. Essentially he was a tour guide for difficult hiking trails. At the age of twenty he was leading amateurs up trails all over Europe, South America and Asia. He followed this path for a few years as it allowed him to travel for free and truly immerse himself in various cultures. He grew homesick and knew he needed to comeback. He tried to be more serious and got a traditional job but that didn't fit his lifestyle or interests very well. So he worked odd jobs for a year until he had enough. All he knew was he wanted to travel and do his own thing whenever he wanted. This is when he stepped into the ecommerce world. Like everything else he does he completely immersed himself in it. Within a few weeks he bought and sold his first site. He now is an online consultant for a handful of successful entrepreneurs. Feeding them any information they need and being one of their key players. He has no plans for the distant future. For now his plan is to follow the ecom course as he knows this will truly allow him to travel indefinitely.

For as long as he could remember Mikey has been making art in some way. Whether it was a painting, drawing or the piano he was always expressing himself. As he grew older his interests developed into passions and his taste became more refined. It was in his high school graphic communications class his teacher noticed he was doing more fashion design than graphic design. This is where he was introduced into the fashion world. From the complete support of all of his peers in every aspect of his life, he began to pursue fashion head on. The moment he graduated high school he was interacting with models, photographers, stylists and everyone in between. If there was an opportunity for him to design something for someone he did it. If there wasn't, he made it. Through relentless persistence and sheer determination he made his way into Teen Vogue. Which was a dream come true for him, since he has been studying their magazines since high school. At Teen Vogue he grew his skill set and network in more ways than he could possibly imagine. He went from being the floor runner to the one making the final decisions and running the show. This wasn't enough for him, he became comfortable and needed a new challenge. He then set his eyes on becoming an in house stylist for the e-commerce giant, Net-a-Porter and got the position with ease. With his refined skillset and keen knowledge of the fashion world, he has transformed himself into a respected and sought after stylist. With absolutely no plans of stopping.