During quarantine in spring of 2020 like most people around the world my mind was racing to find ways to occupy itself. Trying to find that one thing that will excite you and grasp your attention for more than five minutes. At first everything seemed so boring and truth be told it was. How could it not be? After the world came to an abrupt halt all I wanted to do was everything I was now told is dangerous.
Two weeks before quarantine my older sister had moved out, leaving her room completely empty. It is now a shell of itself, bare wooden floors and empty walls. The only real character was this odd corner with a protruding chimney. After being inspired by Edward Weston’s “Edward Weston’s “Attic, Glendale, California, 1921” I originally set out to take self portraits. I then quickly became anxious and uncomfortable in front of the camera. I needed to do something, I needed to interact with the space somehow. Once I started moving and directly interacting with the corner the conversation began.
This series investigates our relationships with the world around us and how we interact with it. A space will always have some sort of life to it. It is up to the individual to interact and occupy with their thoughts. Even if something is bare there is still an opportunity for growth. No matter what there will always be an energy within the space.